Providing Solutions

Websites, applications and data

North Coast Web Works is a web development shop supporting businesses, non-profits and organizations. We provide support for websites, applications and data analytics.

Is your website how you want it?

We can help! We can help with anything from updating, fixing to setting up your new site.

If you are struggling to understand how your current platform works, we can create a guide to help you manage your site.

Frustrated with

Does your organization have a need for a custom application?

Custom applications

Sometimes big software offers solutions that are either too expensive or not quite what you're looking for.

We can help taylor a solution that meets your needs for: customer relationship management, inventory management, or billing solutions.

Are you getting the most from your data?

Custom applications

Let us shed some light onto your data. If you have a database, we can help create reports that give you full insight into your data.

If you don't have a database or are constantly contending with spreadsheets, now is the time to build your own database. We can help!

Let's Collaborate!

If you are interested in creating things online and want to team up on something, please reach out. My technological strengths are in the realm of front-end and back-end coding. Considering fodder for creative ventures... I have years of experience in various domains: education, IT, programming, playing guitar, biodynamic farming, hiking, and living environmentally conscious.

And last but not least, safety first

Phone scams are on the rise. If someone calls you, and you are not 100% sure you know the person, do not give them personal information.

Definitely do not give sensitive information such as passwords, Social Security number, and bank account numbers.

If you are not 100% sure:

  1. Ask for their phone number
  2. Tell them you'll call back
  3. Hang up
  4. Verify their phone number
  5. Call back if verified

Never click on a link within an email. The 'click' action can trigger malicious code.

Even if the email is from someone you think you know, follow the steps below.

  1. Copy the link
  2. Open a new browser tab
  3. Paste the link into the address bar
  4. Press enter

A passphrase is just what it sounds like... a phrase, compared to a word.

Instead of using a password like 'SecretWord', if allowed try something like 'WhatAWonderfulWorld.'

And even better, use symbols and numbers - 'Wh@t@W0nderfu!W0r!d1983.'

The phrase 'What a wonderful world' might be just as easy for you to remember as the words 'SecretWord', but it is longer making it more difficult to hack.

Also, do your best to have different passphrases for different accounts and change them every 3 to 6 months.